According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science № 530 dated 06.06.2022 “On approval of the decisions of the Certification Board of the Ministry” the journal of Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs “Ukrainian Polyceistics: Theory, Legislation, Practice” is included in the List of Scientific Professional Editions of Ukraine as a printed periodical of category “B”.
Certificate of state registration of a print media: Series КВ No. 25335-15275ПР dated 25.11.2022
The Editorial Board of the journal invites young scientists and experienced lawyers, officers of practical departments and government agencies to publish the results of their research, achievements in the following areas:
- organizational and legal principles of the National Police activity;
- problems of pre-trial investigation;
- ensuring public safety and order;
- investigative and detective activity;
- prevention of criminal and administrative offenses;
- personnel management of the National Police;
- psychological support for police activities;
- legal support of information and technical activity of the police;
- legal aspects of police provision of administrative and other services to individuals and legal entities;
- international cooperation of the National Police: exchange of experience;
- law enforcement during martial law
The publication was awarded the ISSN and DOI in January 2021. In April 2021 it was registered in the international search database «Google Scholar» and included in the section «Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine» in the electronic archive of publications of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.
Submission of the articles for the issue № 2 (4) 2022 continues until September 30, 2022.
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